Allen R. Nissenson, MD
Dr. Nissenson is currently an Emeritus Professor of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at University California Los Angeles, where he previously served as Director of the Dialysis Program and Associate Dean. Dr. Nissenson served as Chief Medical Officer and Chief Medical Officer Emeritus of DaVita Kidney Care (2008-2022), leading DaVita to industry standard-setting clinical outcomes. Dr. Nissenson is a partner in and Co-Founder of Renal Care Innovation Holdings, a company dedicated to accelerating the availability of innovative drugs, devices, and care delivery models for patients with kidney diseases. He is a past Chair of Kidney Care Partners and past Co-Chair of the Kidney Care Quality Alliance. He is a former president of the Renal Physicians Association and current member of the Government Affairs Committee. Dr. Nissenson also previously served as President of the Southern California End-Stage Renal Disease Network, as well as Chair of the Medical Review Board. Dr. Nissenson served as a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow of the Institute of Medicine, working as a health advisor to the late Senator Paul Wellstone. He joined Elicio Therapeutics Board of Directors in June 2023, after a merger with Angion Biomedica (2020-2023), where he served on the Board of Directors and as Chair of the Compensation Committee. He is currently a board member at Rockwell Medical where he is Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee, Diality, a company developing an innovative home dialysis platform where he is Chair of the Nominating and Governance Committee, and Innocura nephrology, a company innovating to improve the lives of people with kidney diseases.
Dr. Nissenson earned his M.D. from Northwestern University Medical School. Dr. Nissenson is the author of two dialysis textbooks, one in its fourth and the other recently published in its sixth edition. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Renal Replacement Therapy, an official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. He served as Editor-in-Chief of Hemodialysis International the official journal of the International Society for Hemodialysis, as well as Medscape Nephrology, an innovate website focused on nephrology. He has over 730 publications in the field of nephrology, dialysis, anemia management, and health care delivery and policy, the latter including a seminal paper in Health Affairs on the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) program. Among his numerous honors is the President’s Award of the National Kidney Foundation. In addition, in 2007 he received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Hemodialysis presented by the University of Missouri on behalf of the Annual Dialysis Conference.