
We are Elicio

We harness the natural power of the lymph nodes to generate enhanced immune responses against tumors. Our science is defining the future of immunotherapy, with the goal of giving patients who are battling cancer their best possible outcome.

We’re committed to engineering lymph node–targeted immunomodulators, adjuvants, and vaccines for an array of aggressive cancers.

Championing a new era of cancer immunotherapy

We are an exceptional team of leaders dedicated to creating profound and enduring change in immuno-oncology.

With expertise in materials science, immunology, and oncology, we plan to forge a new path forward for cancer treatment by utilizing such expertise to drive our mission to amplify the potential of immunotherapies, empowering patients to fight cancer with full force.


Robert Connelly
Chief Executive Officer
Peter DeMuth
Chief Scientific Officer
Christopher Haqq
Executive Vice President, Head of Research and Development and Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Preetam Shah
Chief Strategy and Financial Officer
Megan Filoon
General Counsel, Secretary and Compliance Officer
Steve Flores
Vice President, Supply Chain
Thian Kheoh
Senior Vice President, Biometrics
Lisa McNeil
Vice President, Translational Medicine
Joy Seymour
Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs
Esther Welkowsky
Senior Vice President, Clinical Development

Board of Directors

Scientific Advisory Board

Chairman of Scientific Advisory Board, Elicio Co-Founder, Professor of Biological Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Science Officer, Stand Up To Cancer
Chief Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President, Research & Development at Capstan Therapeutics, formerly Head of Research at Kite Pharma
Former Head of Europe for Cell and Gene Therapies at Novartis Oncology
Retired President of R&D at Wyeth, LLC
Director Colon Cancer Research and Director Precision Medicine Research for Liquid Biopsies at Weill Cornell Medicine


At our core, our culture thrives on interconnectivity. We believe that by fostering collective support and embracing unity, together we can achieve the impossible.

Join our team to develop potentially life-changing cancer treatments.